The Face of Predator, siapa sih pemeran awalnya

Terus terang,..awal kemunculan film ini ditahun 1987 membuat saya menjadi fans berat Predator.
selain alur cerita yang bagus dan juga aktor yg muncul saat itu adalah Arnold Schwarzeneger bintang film Commando membuat film ini menjadi daya tarik lebih buat saya ubtuk menontonnya.
Dan benar saja kereeeeen abiiiis boss,...makanya sampai saat ini film Predator ini gak pernah membuat saya bosan untuk menontonnya.
Tapi ada satu yang mungkin tidak semua orang tau siapa sebenarnya aktor dibalik baju predator ini..?? ada yang tau..??
Dia adalah seorang aktor laga yang memiliki kemampuan bela diri sangat baik, yang juga terkenal di filmnya "Blood Sport" yes bener banget JEAN CLAUDE VAN DAMME.
Namun dalam pembuatan film Predator ini dia sering mengeluh bahwa kostumnya terlalu panas saat dipakai, dan hal ini membuat dia pingsan.
Karena tidak tahan maka dia sengaja melukai seorang stunt man saat shooting dan akhirnya perannya digantikan oleh Kevin Peter Hall.
ini cuplikan informasinya dari Wikipedia:

Jean-Claude Van Damme was originally cast as the Predator creature, the idea being that the physical action star would use his martial arts skills to make the Predator an agile, ninja-esque hunter.[2] When compared to Schwarzenegger, Weathers, and Ventura, actors known for their bodybuilding regimens, it became apparent a more physically-imposing man was needed to make the creature appear threatening. Additionally, it was reported that Van Damme constantly complained about the monster suit being too hot, causing him to pass out. He also had allegedly voiced his reservations on numerous occasions regarding the fact he would not be appearing on camera without the suit. Jesse Ventura's autobiographical book also alleges Van Damme intentionally injured a stunt man.[3] Van Damme was removed from the film and replaced by Kevin Peter Hall.[2] Hall, standing at an imposing 7 foot 2, had just finished work as a sasquatch in Harry and the Hendersons.[4] Peter Cullen was invited by Fox to do creature vocals, and was initially reluctant since his throat was injured when he voiced King Kong for the 1976 film, but accepted the job after seeing the unmasked Predator. Cullen said his main inspiration were horseshoe crabs, which the Predator face reminded him of.[1]
Label: Artis Mancanegara, Info Lainnya
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